Religion is infused in all subject areas. From reading about a saint in English Language Arts, marveling at God's creations in Science, to learning about the early Church in Social Studies, students constantly find the connection between faith and subject areas.
In addition to this infusion, students' religious education involves liturgy and prayer, religious curriculum, sacramental preparation, and service to community.
Liturgy and Prayer
Liturgies and prayer are an integral part of the school day. Masses are scheduled weekly for all grades.
Students participate in weekly rosaries and Stations of the Cross. Various celebrations, including Our Lady of Guadalupe, All Saints Day, May Crowning, and Vocation Day, are also observed.
Religion Curriculum
Students receive religious instruction from teachers on a daily basis. This curriculum is based on the scope and sequence established by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Among many things, students learn about the Holy Trinity, the Bible, Church teachings, the origins of Christianity, the liturgical calendar, Sacraments, morality, parts of the Mass, vocations, and saints.
Sacramental Preparation
In cooperation with parish communities, pastors, and parents, RCS helps students prepare for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Preparation for these sacraments includes instruction during religion classes. The sacrament is then celebrated as a class in a ceremony at one of the supporting parishes.
Service to Community
We believe in putting our faith into action through service. Each student is expected to earn a certain number of service hours each quarter (see handbook for hours required by grade).
Students are all assigned to a Faith Family, which is a group made up of students from all grades. This group stays together for the duration of a child's time at Resurrection, with 8th-grade students leading the group their final year. Together, this group leads faith-based activities and completes community service projects.
Teachers' Faith Development
One time per month, teachers have an in-service in which they participate in prayer and study, led by a School of Religion leader. Teachers grow and develop in their faith, just as their students do.